Saturday, June 8, 2019

Flosstube #112 Show Notes: Is #NoStarts2019 in Jeopardy?

Happy Saturday! Happy June!!

Best New Thing: 
  • I'm going to be hosting an Instagram LIVE SALE from:

    on Friday, June 14 at 2pm PST. 
    I'll be at Starlight Stitchery in Corvallis and I'll be going through their boxes and BOXES of fantastic older charts. You're not paying me or buying from me. I'm putting your name on things and you'll call the shop and pay them. I just want to help them move their stock so they can get new stuff!

  • I used them all up last week!!

    • None this week. 

    Starts: (not by me... YET)
    • HL's Moth from Kathy Barrick
    My love Diana, Itiskismet Stitches, started this for me so that I can participate in the #MagicalMothSAL with her and Aimee Baruch! It's not too late! Join us!! 
    • Natural Beauty 3 from Filanthrope Broderies
     My girl Audrey, StitchyWitch42, started this for me. Please be warned that this is charted in Aurifil, which is a french floss. There is a conversion chart available HERE.
    • Hoodoo Voodoo from The Primitive Needle, an Acorns & Threads passaround project.

      I got Stephanie of PixieDust Stitchers to start this for me. She was happy to do it because this gets passed to her next!!

    WIPs (Works in Progress): 
    Or, as I affectionately call them, Josephine and Humphrey. Here is where I was last week:

    And this week...

    Since last time, I had one day where I went HAM on it and put in 446 stitches. Other days I did 100 and other days I did 1. It all evens out.

    • Because Lolly issued a #crossstitchthrowdown, I'm still working on Halloween Luck from Glendon Place:
    Here is where I was last time:

    Here is where I am this week:

    I finished off the bottom and I've moved up to finish the top. I have to be careful with the border because I did mess it up at the bottom. I have to make sure I mess it up the same way at the top.

    I'm stitching this on a piece of 20 ct Aida from eBay. I just typed in "hand dyed Aida" and came up with THIS beauty!! Try it!

    And, just for the throwdown record, here is where Lolly is with this:
    She's going to win. Her pumpkin is actually finished now.

    • Finish my Tiny Modernist Model, which I'm in LOVE with!! 
    • 200 per day on Josephine (maybe!)! 
    • Work on Halloween Luck till it's DONE! Count it for #24HoursOfCrossStitch June Challenge and hopefully for another #MagicalStitches Yearly Extra Credit
    • Finish Alice in June? We'll see! 
    • The Simple yet effective cowl from Tin Can Knits on Ravelry (I'm michellebendy on Ravelry!!)
    This is available as a FREE Ravelry Download HERE. Anne P of Wooly Wonka Fibers chose this for me and I'm using her Aeslin DK SW Merino in Skygazer.

    Here is where I was last time:

    And here is where I am now:

    I'm at 9.25" on this bad boy, so I should have it ready to bind off today. And, as luck would have it, today is Worldwide Knit in Public Day and Rose has a softball game and a birthday party so I will be knitting in public!!

    I'm carrying it around in a bag from Evertote. By Caroline from Off the Grid Needlearts/Fibre Friends. Her shop is on a break right now, but follow it anyway!! 

    • Rosie and Tutu and I went to Chelsea's parents' yard sale last weekend, right after I filmed. I've been in the market for a hand ever since I saw Stephanie at Lindy Stitches with her giant hand, and I found one!! 
      It's not giant AT ALL, but it's super awesome and I'm in love with it.

    • Then we ran to St. Vinnie's really fast yesterday and I found another metal scissor frog:
      Those pointy things in the center (meant for holding flower stems) are SHARP! But I love it; it looks like it's been under water for ages.
    •   I went to Acorns!! But I didn't do too badly.
      I scored an exclusive Brenda Gervais kit! Jeannine found a few and sold them out the same day with one Instagram post. And I FINALLY got my copy of Needle's Dance by Hands on Design and Ink Circles. I love, love, LOVE this chart. But I did not love the feel of the blue fabric; it was SUPER rough and stiff. So (with the help of Lisa at Acorns) I subbed in WDW Azetc Red!! I CANT WAIT TO START THIS!!!

    • I scored a sampler on eBay:
      I've been looking for a great mourning sampler and watching this one for a LONG time. I finally got it!! Do you want to stitch it? You'll be able to in March!! 0_0

    I'd like to talk about: 
    • Nobody this week. =/ AGAIN! I've been AWFUL at watching new peeps.

    • I finished Red Rising by Pierce Brown:
      Holy COW was this book good. 4.8/5 stars, only because I hope that the sequels get even better!! I read this book for the prompt "Read a book with a competition in it" in School of Magical Stitches and Literature on FB.

    Instagram Auction Items!!
    • In addition to the below auctions, Deanna has designed a FANTASTIC Apothecary cross stitch!
      Click on the picture to purchase directly from the Museum's Square site (and check out the gift shop while you're there!)
    • Auctions will take place soon through Saturday, June 8 at 6am PST on @michellebendy on Instagram. Here's an amazing diagram describing how to bid: 
    Under the picture of the item that you'd like to purchase, you put your bid in $1 increments AND you tag the person who bid above you. Only the person who bid DIRECTLY above you!

    There are more detailed pictures on my Instagram, but for now, here's a peek at this week's items:

    • First up, I have a REPRINT of Seaside Kingdom from Mirabilia this week:

    • Here is a FULL kit, with all finishing items needed, from The Silver Needle and Samplers Not Forgotten:
    • And we have another gorgeous Kara bag!! This one is Halloween!
    •  I'm putting in some more yarn this week, it's all natural and BEAUTIFUL:
    • And we have an AMAZING stitched biscornu scissor fob from Kerry in Stitches:
      The biscornu really is THAT small!! 

      Call to action:
    • Let's all head over to Sarah Gulf Coast's GoFundMe and help her out after her car accident (she's FINE!! but her car was totaled and she needs a little help from the community to get back on her feet and get to school)

    Sarah is an amazing young woman, she's headed off to college to become a Navy Nurse and I get chills thinking about how amazing she's going to be at that. Let's help her on her way.

    Outside Links:

    1 comment:

    1. I am so sad to hear this morning of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's passing. What a loss to us all and look out who he will try to fill her Supreme Court seat with. Another American crisis in 2020, and only voters can stop him.
